
Monday, October 10, 2011

"foot" ball

So sorry, this is "completely inappropriate" (as I hear myself tell my boys quite often), but everytime I watch it I am in stitches!! This is Evan around 16 months old saying "foot" ball as best he can!

hope it made you laugh! ~j

Friday, October 7, 2011

Five on Friday

Here Are Five Reasons I Am Loving My Boys This Week . . . . .

1. We recently went to the beach for the weekend. I let each boy pack their own book bag of toys to take. Bryce carefully chose several trains and some train tracks. This is what Evan ended up with . . . . very interesting . . . . .  he makes me laugh!

2. Mema pulled out John's old school Lite Brite out of the attic. We took it home and plugged it in and it still worked!! The Lite Brite was definitely a hit! (. . . .  and a great fine motor activity too!!)

I told Bryce I loved his lite brite snake. He said " Mama, it is actually a chinese dragon!"

3. We made playdough, but it was way to sticky, so we got some extra flour. The extra flour eventually turned into a massive snow storm for all the cars and trucks to drive through. It it was a holy mess, but well worth it!

Bryce has requested this activity every day since. I am still trying to convince him this is a once every 6 months to a year activity!!! I was cleaning flour up for hours!!! Big Mess = Big Fun with these two!!

4. Sweet Brother Love Makes My Heart Smile!!

5. We enjoyed a fun birthday party at Country Adventures! We climbed trees, rode ponies, picked pumpkins, ate hotdogs, and roasted marshmellows. Oh, and Evan found a donkey he was very fond of!

John is quite the story teller. He tells a story to the boys at night about The Three Little Donkeys and The Big Bad Wolf. I think this is were Evan's affection for the donkey may have come from! The donkeys names are Honky Donky, Bonky Donky, and Tonky Donky. They love the story and I must admit it cracks me up everytime I listen to it. There is something quite charming about a daddy than can tell a good story :)
the rough and tumble cousins
Cowboy Bryce
Cowboy Evan
finding the perfect pumpkins!
Happy Pumpkin Picking, Friends! ~j