
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ahoy! Potty Talk

** disclaimer **
consider yourself warned . . . if potty talk bothers you, this post is not for you!! stop reading!

We did it! We are a diaperless household after 4 years of diaper duty!

My 2 boys were tough potty trainers and after some trail and error, research and asking lots of mamas who had already done it, I found what works for us. I use a method called 3 Day Potty Training by Lora Jensen.
Evan would not even have the potty talk with me. He shut it down immediatley everytime I tried to bring it up. I finally decided he was 3 and I just had to jump in and do it.

 I had the bathroom door decorated when he came down the stairs that morning . . . . and he screamed!! I thought, "oh, this is going to be just horrible!!!"

We went with a pirate theme bc he loves a pirate potty book we have. He got a chocolate gold coin and a paper gold coin each time he went potty IN the potty!


Then, I pulled out his favorite red Koolaid Burst drinks and told him he could drink as many as he wanted when he had on his big boy underwear . . . . he smiled and said "ok!"  and put on his crocodile big boys.
I was shocked! He proceded to drink 4 drinks and pee pee in the potty 13 times before lunch!

 Evan posing in his new "big boys"

Evan is ready to "make the grandest pee and poo in all the seven seas!"
"Arrrrrgh, Maties! "
 "Yo Ho! Yo Hee! I've got to make Pee Pee!"
A big smile after his first poo poo in the potty!!
(I know that is completely disgusting to talk about, but it is possiblely one of the the hugest milestones EVER, so it must be captured in pictures and words by this mama!!)

Happy Sailing from these Scurvy Pirates! Its all dry on deck aound here! ~j

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Monster Bash

Evan had a birthday party at school last week. I asked him what kind of cupcakes he wanted and he said monster cupcakes! So, here is what I came up with . . .

His little school friends sang happy birthday to him and then we had a party!

The cupcakes were a hit with these little monsters!  ~j

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sweet Evan is Three!

My sweet boy, my youngest child, turned 3 yesterday! He added something special to my life the day he arrived - pure joy! After Bryce was so tiny, I dreamed and prayed and wished for a chubby little baby and when I saw him for the first time, I could not believe how beautifully God answered my prayers! His little baby face could not have been any rounder! My eyes first noticed his chubby, soft cheeks. Then my eyes moved to his cute double chin. My eyes finally rested on his forehead where he had a V of dark hair - a widow's peak - just like my mama's. I believe she kissed him right in the middle of his of his forehead before she sent him down from heaven to me.

His dark, thick, shaggy bangs now covers that remembrance of my mama . . .  but it is still there . . .  just like she will always be.

When it comes to life . . . . Evan is all in. He lives it up. He is sweet and cuddly and absolutely hilarious. He keeps the Whitaker household laughing. He is also, shall we say, "spirited"  and passionate as he expresses his wide range of emotions.

Happy Birthday E! Mama loves you! Just thinking of you warms my heart. You are a true blessing of pure joy that I will be forever grateful for.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mother's Monday

I was planning to blog Sunday night something sweet and heartfelt about being a mama on mothers day. But, honestly, everyone was was quite grouchy and I was not feeling the happy mama warm fuzzies that night. I was kinda thinking "so much for sweet notions of mother's day" as the boys and I went outside to play in the sprinkler on Monday afternoon. Then, there it was, that happiness of motherhood washed over me as I watched my boys play in the sunshine and sprinkling water. Their brother bond is precious, their little conversations are hilarious, their faces sometimes angelic and sometimes filled with mischief!  I enjoy these days. I love being a mama!

They are great play mates, best friends, sweet brothers . . . . . and you can be sure they are plotting a plan!

Watching them play, their personalities are so clear. Bryce is content being the controller of the water. Evan is IN the water soaked from head to toe with in seconds. They are both screaming and laughing! They balance each other so well.

This is how wet Bryce got.

This is how wet Evan got!

 . . .  and this is why!

Bryce took his job as water controller very serious!

My friend Emily will probably laugh when she sees that this moment gave me the warm fuzzies bc she called about 30 minutes into the water fun and things were starting to fall apart! They were squirting each other, fussing over who would hold the squirting part, squirting the cat, squirting the front porch and then it was all tears and screams when I turned the water off! So, it all comes full circle, but I love to hang on the those precious moments of mamahood and soaked them up for all they are worth!
Happy Mother's Monday to Me!

Hope all of you had some sweet moments to remember forever on your Mother's Day! ~j